This partnership was made possible through her participation in a three-day International Workshop on Science Journalism and Science Communication Curriculum Development, organized by the Institute of Strategic and Development Communication (ISDEVCOM), Nasarawa State University, Keffi (NSUK), Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN) and Robert Bosch Stiftung, in Abuja.
The aim of the training was to build capacity and correct the myth or seeming difficulty surrounding science is largely due to lack of communication skills to report science to the benefits of the society.
Cross section of stakeholders at the event
The stakeholders present at this training included the Training Coordinator, SciDev.Net, Nairobi, Kenya, Dr. Charles Wendo, the Vice-Chancellor of the NSUK, Prof. Muhammad Akaro Maioma, Director General of the National Biosafety Management Agency (NBMA), Director General of the FRCN, Dr. Mansur Liman, the Executive Director of ISDEVCOM, Prof Emmanuel Dandaura, the OFAB Nigeria Country Coordinator Rose Gidado and other science journalists from different institutions in Nigeria.
The training coordinator for SciDevNet during the workshop, said the Media provides the public and policymakers with information for making decisions. But currently, there is a shortage of African journalists who can report on science and this challenges can be overcome through online training, supporting university curriculum development, creating networking opportunities and co-productions with media houses.
SciDevNet Training Coordinator, Charles Wendo
The world needs professionals that can communicate science and technology to the world as science and technology is driving the world in almost all the spheres apart from making the world a global village,” the Director General of the FRCN, Dr. Mansur Liman added.
OFAB Country coordinator, Dr. Rose Gidado delivered a paper presentation on the role of effective science communication for food security in Nigeria where she highlighted the myths surrounding the use of innovative technologies in Agriculture. She also suggested rules to effective communication to enhance public acceptance of new tools such as biotechnology.
Dr. Rose Gidado speaking at the event
The other days of the workshop focused on drafting and reviewing curriculum contents to be used for the Institute of Strategic Development and Communication studies (ISDEVCOM), Nasarawa State University, Keffi