Open Forum on Agricultural Biotechnology Nigeria Chapter
OFAB is an Informative platform that brings together stakeholders in the field of Biotechnology and the public as a whole to enable interactions, sharing and exchange of knowledge, experiences, contacts and exploring new avenues of bringing the benefits of biotechnology to Agricultural sector. And on 9 April, 2009, AATF in partnership with the National Biotechnology Development Agency(NABDA) and Agricultural Research Council (ARCN), launched OFAB-Nigeria Chapter with a mission to enhance knowledge sharing and awareness on agricultural biotechnology that would raise understanding and appreciation of the technology
Dr. Rose Gidado, Country Director OFAB Nigerian Chapter

Myths about GMOs
GMOs (genetically modified organisms, which include both plants and animals) are a breakthrough scientific advance, one that will provide us with bigger crop yields and more nutritious food, and help farms in developing nations produce enough to banish hunger.